Hi! I’m Dr. Laura Paris, a holistic women’s health specialist.

I am passionate about helping women achieve vibrant health through all hormonal life transitions, from cycles and fertility to pregnancy, perimenopause, and beyond. My own long journey with health challenges, combined with a thirst for knowledge and a diverse education, has shaped my approach. Now, as a post-menopausal woman, feminist, mother, and clinician with 20 years of experience, I am well-equipped to share my skills and wisdom with other women navigating their own health issues.

My clinical specialties:

I am skilled in helping women in four primary health areas, which are deeply connected:

  1. Hormones: menstrual cycle issues, moods, headaches, PCOS, endometriosis, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause.
  2. Metabolism: healing from injuries that limit movement and exercise, weight and blood sugar issues, insulin resistance, and high cholesterol.
  3. Immune: remission from autoimmune flares, frequent illness, allergies, sinus congestion/infection, and excess histamine.
  4. Gut: bloating, indigestion, constipation, loose stools, food sensitivities, nutrition, and gut microbiome issues.

Some of my beliefs about food and medicine:

  • Food is medicine, and diversity is important. Identifying the foods that best fuel and heal you is a personal journey. I help my patients discover their optimal foods, heal their gut, and expand their dietary options rather than adhering to a long-term rigid or restrictive diet. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and a varied palate supports both nutrient status and a healthy gut microbiome.
  • Evidence-based medicine is essential and has three components: quality research, clinician expertise, and patient values and preferences. The patient experience is one-third of the equation, and she knows her body the best!
  • Healthcare is most effective when it’s integrative. Holistic modalities can yield profound results but are not a replacement for the vital services of conventional medicine. The wise integration of both approaches offers the best outcomes. It’s not an either/or situation!

I am forever thankful for her. 

“When I first came to Laura’s office 14 years ago, I was riddled with pain, brain fog,  fatigue, and a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Through careful discussion, correct blood tests, and analysis, Laura was able to bring me to a correct diagnosis of Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. Through the years, I have worked with her to discover my root reasons for my autoimmune disease and I am forever thankful for her. I was able to get pregnant with my second child, at 37 years old, after being told that it wasn’t possible. Through her expertise, I have learned proper eating habits, how to supplement, general well­being, and self care. She really listens. She treats each patient as an individual and is very informed and precise. I love that she has training in both functional/Western medicine and traditional/Eastern medicine. Her understanding of both is a huge plus! Before I came to Laura, I saw several MDs and natural doctors. None of them gave me the comprehensive information or attention that she has. She really has a passion for what she does. “

How do I help women achieve vibrant health?

I educate and work with women in these formats:

  • Functional Medicine individual appointments or monthly programs–in person or virtual in the U.S.
  • Acupuncture treatment–Monterey and Santa Cruz (Capitola), CA
  • Group programs and workshops–both in-person and online, live and DIY
  • Our email newsletter, where we share health education, news, and specials

You can work with me from anywhere in the United States or see me locally in Santa Cruz (Capitola) or Monterey, California.

Laura is a true healer.

“ I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Laura and her healing practice. I went to Laura dealing with severe anxiety, fatigue, and depression that came on rather suddenly. Through thoughtful interviews and investigation, she was able to help me figure out that I had been dealing with hormonal imbalance due to Hashimoto’s disease. She helped me navigate my diet and use food and supplements to help heal my imbalance in addition to acupuncture treatments to help me manage my anxiety, Laura is truly a healer and I highly recommend friends and family to her without hesitation. Thank you so much, Laura, for all of your thought, care and active listening – I am truly grateful!! “

My credentials

My formal education, licenses, and certifications are listed below. Over thirty years of additional seminars, mentorships, and study groups round out my knowledge and expertise. I regularly read, study, attend continuing education seminars, and stay current on research.

  • Institute for Functional Medicine Certification Program (IFM), 2017-2022
  • Cogence® Functional Immunology Mentorship with Dr. Sam Yanuck, 2019-ongoing
  • Pacific College, Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, 2019
  • Dr. Datis Kharrazian Functional Medicine Programs (Autoimmune, Blood Chemistry, Endocrinology), 2018-ongoing
  • Kalish Institute for Functional Medicine Mentorship, 2018
  • Kresser Institute ADAPT Functional Medicine Training, 2015-2016
  • Hawthorn University Nutrition Consultant Training, 2012
  • Five Branches University, MS in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2000-2004
  • Feldenkrais Resources Professional Training Program, 1993-1997
  • Washington University, BFA in Art and BA in Women’s Studies, 1983-1987
  • Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine 2019
  • California Acupuncture & Herbalist Board License 2004
  • Master’s Degree (Traditional Chinese Medicine) 2004
  • Bachelor’s Degrees (Fine Arts and Women’s Studies) 1987

  • Autoimmune Protocol Health Coach 2023
  • Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner 2022
  • Kresser Institute ADAPT Functional Medicine Provider 2016
  • Nutrition Consultant 2012
  • Metabolic Typing Practitioner 2000
  • Five Branches University Sports Medicine Certification 2004
  • Kendall Acupuncture Orthopedics Certification 2004
  • Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner 1997

Thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions or want to reach out, please contact us. We’d love to help you.

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