Love Your Liver Spring Cleanse


Spring is an ideal time to renew and recharge, especially when it comes to supporting your liver. The liver is a crucial detoxification organ that can always benefit from extra love and care, and in Chinese Medicine, spring is associated with the liver. To honor this season, we are excited to offer our annual 2-week Love Your Liver Cleanse!

This 2-week group cleanse takes place annually in the springtime and includes everything you need:

  • All the supplements and functional food shake mixes required for this 14-day program (choose PaleoCleanse or Plant Protein Cleanse)
  • Recipes for liver-cleansing, fat-busting foods and beverages
  • A surprisingly easy one-day fast
  • Access to a private Slack group where you can access materials and get support
  • Invitation to a kickoff Zoom meeting to ask questions and connect with the group

Who is the Love Your Liver Cleanse for?

This cleanse is for any adult who would like to hit pause for two weeks in the spring to:

  • Lighten the load on your liver by avoiding unnecessary toxins and consuming clean, light, liver-supportive foods and beverages
  • Refresh your skin, energy, mood, outlook, and mental clarity
  • Lose bloat, weight, and inflammation
  • Transform a fatty liver with high cholesterol into a well-functioning engine that purrs
  • Improve metabolic health and lower insulin resistance

Who should NOT do this cleanse?

Please note that pregnant individuals or those with an active eating disorder should refrain from participating. A well-functioning G.I. tract and healthy stool are essential, so if you regularly suffer from constipation or diarrhea, please address those before signing up. Lastly, please consult your doctor if you have pre-existing medical conditions or take any medications.

The dietary and lifestyle components of this functional detox program

Our dietary and lifestyle components are easy to follow and not extreme. We provide an easy-to-follow diet and lifestyle guide that we discuss in the online group. The program is gentle, and you can easily do it during regular activities. It’s a time to nourish your body and mind by slowing down, eating simple, light food, avoiding unnecessary toxins, reducing stress, sleeping well, and moving your body. 

During these two weeks, it’s best to avoid alcohol and foods with added sugar. We encourage you to prepare meals at home and will provide recipes. We use two functional food shakes daily, and you can use them as one or two meal replacements. In addition, we encourage a clean, light, Paleo or Vegan diet, with the removal of gluten and dairy. We have tiers for food removals, so there is flexibility!

The Love Your Liver 2024 Spring Cleanse starts on April 22 and runs until May 5.

We post all materials and communication for this cleanse on Slack, an app you can use on your phone, tablet, or computer, free from social media. We’ll open the Slack group on April 12 to give you 10 days to prepare. Our kickoff Zoom meeting is from 6 to 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on April 18. This will be recorded and shared so you can catch up if you miss it. Then, the two-week cleanse starts on Monday, April 22. We will have an optional one-day fast in the middle of the cleanse.

The cost is $297, which includes the products, recipes, guides, support group, and kickoff meeting. After you sign up, please look for your intake form in a secure email from Paris Healing Arts.

We can’t wait to support you on your journey towards a healthier and happier liver. Join us for the Love Your Liver Cleanse!

This cleanse is medically supervised and guided by Dr. Laura Paris. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out. We’d love to help!

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Dr. Laura Paris is an IFM-certified functional medicine practitioner and doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. She helps women rebalance hormones and cycles, reclaim metabolic health, reverse autoimmunity and inflammation, and restore gut health.

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